Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Someone once said:

It's not hard to be bad,it's easy to be good, but it's difficult to be holy.

... or something along that line.. xD
Kuya Pat told me this during a difficult time of my life. Pwahha.

So think about it. I, along with the rest of the teenage population, struggle with pressure. EVERYWHERE. AC, Elton, and I were talking about 8th grade and we came across drugs, alcohol, etc. And why almost everyone in the old group tried it. Stress and emoness were the biggies. Everyone's different right? So some may take a situation as no big deal, others will stress about it. And i told AC, it doesnt matter what kind of situation you've been under, there are some times in our lives that push us to our breaking point. We get over it, and we hit another breaking point. It's just a matter of how we deal. And so, it's not hard to be bad. How would you deal? Drugs? It's easy to be good. Forget about it, or respond in not a bad way, but not a great way? But it's difficult to be holy. Would you pray, seek God in your struggles?

Agree? Disagree? Commment, or Holla. :P
Peace easy, keep it cheezy.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The beauty of...


holy moly. during bible study (Luke 24:36-49), we had a discussion about repentance and the Eucharist. HOLLA! Well first a few things that make confession great:

1. Teaches you HUMILITY.
2. Reveals sins that are IN THE DARK.
3. Enables you to receive COMMUNION.

MMM.. we talked about how communion with Christ aka receiving the Eucharist inspires you to go out to serve or spread the Word with the rest of His family. Arizona, anyone?

Oh and i asked Matthew & Scarlet to help me out with the club? Go back to Life Teen or what?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The only thing i did on spring break

Yesterday was pretty darn awesome. I woke up early with my family to go eat out, but we were HELLA indesicive. We went to La Crescenta for thai but it opened at 11am & my dad had to go to work at 12 pm. So we drove by side street, wondering where we would go. My mom brought up Great Khan's. Ever since I showed them how much i could stack for $7.56, they were thinking about going back more often. xD But I told them CHINA TOWN, cause my dad woke me up FOR some tendon noodle soup! We went, we ate, we left.

Next thing you know, Vince & I were at the meeting. We had worship and boy, has it felt like a while. And I didn't think many people would show up cause everyone was informed last minute (the night before, i think). Anywhooo, Jimbo had an activity/talk for us about honoring one another. and we had pieces of paper on our backs so we could honor one another. At the end we would read two or three. Luigi was first. i wrote usher & vince wrote beyonce T_T . ROFL. Oh and when Vince read one of his, James wrote "good at provoking anger" And people thought it was me cause i'm the sister, but it was hilariousss. For James ahahahah! People wrote stuff like "you could beat me up" or something (people thought that was ME again!) and i wrote "thanks for not knifing me yet" Hmm.. i'm only writing the things i remember right now. For Macoi's i wrote something like "you have a lot to say for someone so young and you're never boring" and i wrote that cause on our ride home from LCS, i would imagine him to isolate himself cause he's one of the youngest in the group. So i honored him for being really involved with everyone. Oh! and Jack was honored for his organization and what he's done for us for all the retreats. He's really behind the scene, but he plays an important role in our youth group. Danny wrote "bro" on a lot of people xD and Gian complained cause he thought what they had (a bromance) was special x_X . Anywhoo! it was muy entertaining. and we learned a pretty good lesson about honoring one another because it's something Christ wants us to do. An i think it was to help us see how special each person is in God's eyes. And to me, it helps me see Christ in others better (:

Some of the things people wrote for me:
  • Passion lover - Gabe lover
  • Hella good singer
  • the good crazy
  • awesome
  • very weird and cool
  • one of the few girls who actually watch good anime
We went to confession & Fr. Venegas was so patient with us. We fellowshipped. We went to L&L and i bought musubis for vince and myself. But James wanted to treat everyone. HOLY MOLY! O_o We then went around Americana to help James look for jeans. and then he treated us to RITE AID ICE CREAM. i dunno about everyone else, but i felt special. Oh and then we went to the Galleria; we didn't get far, because James stopped into the "games workshop" store. and at first i was like "you serious? thats where my kuya goes" to myself. pwahah. but it was actually entertaining. JD started us on a game Humans vs. Warorcs or something like that. It was... Danny's team (James, Luigi, Jack, and myself) vs.Gian's team (Vince, Juls, and Erick) . Of course, the humans won. But i had the worst rolls and Gian was destroying my army D: But good conquers evil. pwahhaha. And i know that it sounds strange, but i wouldnt mind playing again with them if JD was narrating. He was all over the place even though there were times Vince was interrrupting. ROFL. PROVOKING ANGERRRR.

Sooner or later, everyone had to go. Me, Vince, and Gian rode with James, but we waited for Erick's ride. When we got to my house, Gian and James stayed at my house for a bit. Kuya set up Rock Band and the four of us played untill... 11:30 or so. James and Gian wanted to play "that's what you get" on the REAL guitar, so they played it while i sang until they had to go at 12. muy bien!

Highlight of my Spring Break.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spread the word like PB&J

MUY IMPORTANTE, FCJC is the place to be!

FCJC Youth is having THREE mission trips this SUMMER.

TWO WEEKS of building up and training in:


Its gonna be the most CRACKIN, FOOD-FILLED, SPIRIT-FILLED two weeks of your summer!

Hit your COORDINATORS up for more info.

spread the word. re-post this baby!

oh and please keep us in your prayers :)

God Bless.

(reply, then copy if you want the codes and everything)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Take one look at me, and you may find me ordinary. You'll find me at school doing the same old things: getting stupid with friends, migrate from one spot to another (cause when we laugh, we travel), and talk about nonsense. But I know I'm different. I knew I was different since I've waged war on the rest of the world. I am Christian. And without Christ, I Am Nothing.

coun⋅ter⋅cul⋅ture [koun-ter-kuhl-cher]

the culture and lifestyle of those people, esp. among the young, who reject or oppose the dominant values and behavior of society.

That's it for now.