Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 2: Blessing vs Curse

Or perhaps it comes down to something much more serious. Choose death, or choose LIFE.  I realize that it's more serious than God just punishing us or rewarding us for doing anything, but God is actually giving us (in every situation) an opportunity to choose life or death. If I sin against God, I choose death. If I resist temptation and choose Christ, I choose life. And I'm not talking about physical life. Choosing the life that Jesus offers means carrying the cross.

Dt 30:15-20

It's funny. I listened to the same message at least four times today. The first time, on Word Among Us, then 5:30 Mass, then Mass with Core, then Tiny's teaching at Bible Study. Of course, the first three may not have been a coincidence because they were the readings for today. But all four readings of Deuteronomy 30:15-20 and/or Luke 9:22-25 were directed to me!

Father Juan encouraged us at Mass and said: "Do not be afraid of the crosses in our life. If we accept them, they are just growing pains toward His resurrection."

And that really spoke to my heart. As we experience the mystery of Christ's death AND rising every Mass or before the Blessed Sacrament, we learn to share Christ's glory in both His Crucifixion and Resurrection when we try and become "little Christs" outside of the Sacraments.

When we had Mass with Core Team, I learned that we usually give up "big" things for Lent, when we should really focus on the small things we need to correct. I won't be able to explain how Fr. did, but he told us that it is usually the smallest things that irritate us. Like sand in our eye, a pebble in our shoe, or a papercut. So for Lent, it is the little things that we should be giving up that are irritations to many people. For me, it would be my attitude towards my family...or being self-centered.

Tonight, I also found out that an 8.4 earthquake hit Japan. Please pray for all the people in Japan, especially my older brother who's stationed there right now.

Pray for our teens and our team also! As we go on retreat this weekend!

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