Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You don't even know

How I'm feeling right now.

I just know that I'm blessed to have a family that loves me, friends that show me how much I mean to them, and most importantly a Father.

A few minutes after August 26 12:00 a.m. I received this graffiti from Rochelle Lingat!

Ahh! I thought that was really sweet!

The next morning, I see Juls' video. A Video from Passion, on my day. Yeeeeee

Oh wordd?! Passion's psychic? I wish.. that was for Claire.

NO Matter! I also received a video from John Paul Breganza!

My Norcal Brother! That was .. ahh! I loved it.

F'course I receieved several other fb notifications & myspace comments. But I'm too lazy to go down the list and name all of you guys. Just know that I really appreciate it! REALLY.

Anywho! I went to go pick up my schedule with Oliver and he was distracting me until Hermosa & Co. were ready for the main event: My suprise partayy! Hayyyy! All that was running though my head the entire time was: what did I do to deserve this? Friends like these? Especially after reading their thread and seeing how much aruguing and planning to happen for this to take place made me so... happy (:

After, we went to Hermosa Beach (C'mon, where else?) and had some quality time. Hahah! But on the way back, since Oliver missed church, he just did his devotional in his car. The guys were knocking out in the back, but when Kellie woke up, we had a little discussion about what it means to STEP UP after dry periods and trials.

And when I get home late for dinner, I know I still have a loving family waiting for me.

But my biggest realization today was how all of these things were made possible through God. My relationships with my family and friends (even some of you who live hundreds of miles away)! Quite frankly, too many people are starving for love now a days. Somewhere out there, someone's coming home from work .. with no one to come home to. Or maybe someone may have lost the only person they could relate to over drama. Whatever the case may be, I believe the people who starve for love the most are the people who need God the most.

SEEK GOD FIRST, & everything will fall into place. That was also mentioned in our discussion. These past few years, I found it pointless to gain everyone's approval through popularity. I had my own set of friends f'course, said hi to everyone I knew but that was pretty much it. Instead of trying to make room for God in my friends' & family's schedule, I realized it's more fitting to have everyone else adjust to my schedule with God. No, I don't need to go to the mall every Friday with friends, although I thought that was the coolest thing everrr. Looking back, I don't even remember anything really significant that happened. On the other hand, I can tell you that every time I came from Mass, Adoration, Confession, youth group meetings, retreats, or choir practice I can DEFINITELY tell you that I gained something out of it. It's been my goal to seek God first and I found that everything falls into place. I don't have see my friends everyday, but they can give me the best surprise ever to show me that I'm SOMETHING to SOMEONE. And I believe none of this could have happened the way it did without God. It happened to me because I chose to live for Him. It can happen to you just by doing the same. <3

Thank You, my God.
Thank You, my Lord.
Thank You, my Savior.
Thank You, my King.
Thank You, my Father.
Thank You, my Brother.
Thank You, my Best Friend.
Thank You, my Teacher.
Thank You, my Redeemer.
Thank You, my Healer.
Thank You, my Love.
Thank You, my Rock.
Thank You, my Light.
Thank You, my Salvation.
Thank You, my EVERYTHING.
& Thank you everyone who made my day really special. I love you guys.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know well the plan I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give a a future full of hope.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Birthday Wishlist?!

- Hershey's Toffee&Almond Nuggets (with milk f'course)
- Long letters
- Quality time!
- Mixed CD's (music that reminds me of you)
- Dresses
- A PONY ! *
- Birthday greetings
- A visit at work sometime during the week?
- Pacsun gift card. Or something nice from there . HAHA
- A smile
- Hugs
- Surprise?

*just kidding

I hope I'm not asking for too much. I mean, it's not like I'm expecting much from anyone, really. All I'm really asking for, is for someone to say "Hey, happy birthday. I'm glad you exist" or something like that. Hahah! I'm 17 in 3 freakkin days, and I just realized that.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our God is here!

"Here in the Word, God is revealed,
here where the wounded can be healed.
Here in our hearts, here in our lives,
our God is here.
Here we become what we receive,
here in this Eucharistic feast.
We are his body, living as one;
our God is here."

Okay so many of us Catholics go to Mass on Sunday, we pretty much have everything we need to be nourished (the Word of God, Jesus Himself, praise and worship, community). I've always been told that Mass was the ultimate prayer. You don't really understand it until you actively participate.

One thing we tend to take for granted are the readings.

Fact: If you went to Mass every day over a three-year period, you would have gone through almost the whole Bible. OH wordddd?!

But it's one thing to listen and have the Word proclaimed to you. You have to listen with an open heart and meditate on the message you are receiving. And THAT'S when you start noticing a sense of fulfillment.

But I feel the gift we really take for granted is the Eucharist.

John 6:53-58
Jesus said to them,
“Amen, amen, I say to you,
unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood,
you do not have life within you.
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood
has eternal life,
and I will raise him on the last day.
For my flesh is true food,
and my blood is true drink.
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood
remains in me and I in him.

Just as the living Father sent me
and I have life because of the Father,
so also the one who feeds on me
will have life because of me.
This is the bread that came down from heaven.
Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died,
whoever eats this bread will live forever.

How long will we take things for granted?

It really takes a leap of faith and understanding to see God in a piece of bread and in a chalice. This is why we have to go through the whole process of Sacraments in order to partake in this Eucharistic Feast. This is why we have to take every Sunday SERIOUSLY. Honestly, I have to think about whether or not I should receive Communion. Even the smallest sin haunts me just because it falls under the Ten Commandments. What haunts me even more though, is knowing that some people don't understand the Eucharist and consume it without thinking. When we respond to the Eucharist with "Amen", do we really BELIEVE? and when we receive, do we allow ourselves to be transformed, to be more like Jesus? We are offered the Bread of Life EVERY DAY. A chance to see him in an Adoration chapel. A chance to witness a miracle in Daily Mass. Don't see the opportunities to see Him during Adoration OR on Sunday as an obligation, but see it as something we NEED to carry on for the rest of the week, the rest of our lives. I feel that if we really know the importance of His presence in our lives, we'd want to go and see and experience Him everyday.

Something the priest said today struck me. You don't eat unless you are hungry or thirsty. You get what you give. That means you can't fully experience Jesus if you aren't hungry for Him. If you don't put effort in knowing Him and having that personal relationship with Him as your Best Friend AND your King, you can't really understand the Eucharist. On the other hand, if you allow Him to, He will REALLY MOVE in YOU.

I know I still have A LOT of growing to do. Today, after Communion, I got a totally different experience. I've been feeling guilty lately, but somehow I was drawn to Him. And that feeling of peace overwhelmed me once again and I was moved to tears. So the question remains: what more can I do for God? This this week, and from this day forward, I'm really going to LET Him be the Lord of my life. Allow my will to be conformed to His. And little by little I will be transformed by His body, blood, and divinity. Little by little, I will continue to grow in faith.

Another thing the priest said was that when we eat food, it becomes part of us. But when we consume Christ, WE become part of Christ. And we glorify the Lord in all that we do because we are INSPIRED by the Eucharist. And that's where true glory is found: in Him. So, reader, I dare you to allow yourselves to be transformed in the Eucharist too and get back to me! ^_^

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nothing like

Wonder Bread and Nutella at 1:00 AM (:

Alright alright! So I would talk about how Steubenville went, but I'll give you the condensed version. God is good! Adoration CHANGED me. Matt Maher & Audrey Assad owned. hahah

Audrey Assad - Love is Moving - Cornerstone Chandler - Worship from brianwurzell on Vimeo.

Anyway, love is DEFINITELY moving. And here's why. I didn't come home from Arizona with the expected spiritual high; instead, I came back with a realization: what I've been doing these past couple of months can't amount to "enough" anymore. The big question I had during adoration was "What more can I do to be closer to You?" And the little girl in me cried out because she was stirred by His presence.

I've prayed about it, and I continue to pray about it (If you, Reader, could pray for me, that would be awesome too!<3). And answered prayer after I gave my talk/testimony today at the FCJY Meeting. I was asked to write outlines and give some more talks for the meetings. I was asked to call old members and remind them about the meetings. It's like what I said today: "God will SPECIFICALLY tell you what you need to do in order to grow closer to Him" And it's like He handed me a dinner platter of things to do. So I'm really grateful and I know I have a big task at hand, so again I ask for your prayers.

Oh yeah! I also went to Mara's church-affair-concert-thing. Her little dance number (you had to have seen it in order to get me) hit me. I don't exactly know why, but woahhhh!

So G'night world, and again. If you have any prayer requests, don't hesitate to HOLLA. Cause you'll MOS. DEF. BE IN MY PRAYERS.