Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ba-dah- bah -pah -bahhh! I'm Lovin It!

So that was from my FB status. Victory for our King was SURELY at hand today!  This morning, I woke up at six, to go to school to make up a sig test, and I failed because of one, stupid and minor error. It was depressing because I realized I can't replace my test grade anymore. The morning went on and seemed to get worse when I got to third period, because I failed another sig test. By that time, I was so disappointed in myself that I didn't think I should try anymore. I was walking with Oliver to fourth period and he already knew how my day was going, and failed at cheering me up. HAHA.

Well after my test in fourth period, I quickly reviewed the talk I was going to give at LifeTeen Club about the "Our Father" and the line "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" kept sticking out, especially since the message behind that particular petition meant to rest in God and trust in the Father--knowing he will do what is best for us. It's not for us, but it's all for Him. Whatever we do, we do for Him! I started cheering up because I knew I had to step it up to give that talk, even though I felt inadequate in the beginning!

After the talk, I started feeling better. I went to Hermosa Bible Study, and that was amazing. Jimmy led us in songs of praise and worship, and I felt the Holy Spirit moving among the group. Andrew and Jaime also joined us for the first time, which was a blessing. One thing I want to say about Jimmy and Andrew though--they know how to LOVE. Just being around them.. I felt warmth and peace, and it was comforting. Oh shoot! And then Oliver gave his talk, and the theme of TRUST continued to recur! It was another blessing!

And then we moseyed on over to LT Bible Study. More people takin' notes, more people speakin' up. I loved it. And I loved being challenged to do MORE for Him. After, Me, Kellie, Mark, and Oliver went to Smart&Finals to do a secret thanggg (:

When we dropped Kellie and Mark home, Oliver and I talked about Revelation, and dug a little bit deeper in the faith. Hope and fear don't mix. That's what I learned..

More on this later, perhaps? G'night world! Maybe I'll actually write more than updates soon!

1 comment:

  1. Sister it amazes me at how God just works, not only in your personal relationship with Him, but just in your life all together. Your posts are so up-lifting. It's so moving.

    I'm at the point in my faith where I'm just searching and seeking even more on what He wants for me. And really this blog just helped a lot, more than you know. God Bless! <3
