Thursday, October 1, 2009


We Are Prophets of a Future Not Our Own

"It helps, now and then, to step back and take the long view.
The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts,
It is beyond our vision.

We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of
the magnificent enterprise that is God's work.

We plant seeds that one day will grow.
We water seeds already planted, knowing
that they hold future promise.

We cannot do everything
and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that.
This enables us to do something,
and to do it very well.
It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way,
an opportunity for God's grace to enter and do the rest.

We may never see the end results,
but that is the difference between the master builder
and the worker.

We are workers, not master builders,
ministers, not messiahs.
We are prophets of a future not our own."

Do what you can, when you can. I've always wondered about the spiritual well-being of those who were once on fire for the Lord and are now at a roadblock. As a minister to those who need help seeking the Truth, it may be hard sometimes not knowing whether you've made an impact on others' lives or not. Your efforts may seem fruitless at first, but when you take a step back, you realize you cannot fathom the ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES of your hard work. God is the "author and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12:2. I find a sense of security in that. Dang. Just knowing that once the seed is planted and God will finish the project is enough for me. So imagine... the combination of all of us doing our part with the confidence that God will make a way for them is SO very powerful.
Do what you can, when you can. "We cannot do everything and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that." It's assuring that not everything will be up to us. Sure, we give it 110% every time, but we know that there's only so much we can do before we just surrender it to God. Humbling to know that we can't do everything, and the things we can do are done because God gave us those talents and abilities. And what better way to show our gratitude for our gifts by giving it back to God?
Do what you can, when you can. "We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker" You just never know who you've touched. You may have spoken to many people about the Good News. Out of a fraction of those people, you don't know who they've inspired because of your work (rather, God's work). But you realize that you can't miss the opportunity to share it to everyone else!

When it comes down to it, what we do is so little, but God can do much more with our works, beyond what we can see or imagine.

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