Saturday, July 4, 2009

Where it all began.

I had a discussion with my friend that made me reflect upon my Spiritual Status. And as I slowly started to recall what it was like to first meet Jesus, it inspired me to write this blog.

Why do I love my Lord and Savior soo much, that I choose to follow a path that few people dare to travel?

He captured my heart and I didn't even know it. It started with confession after how many years? Near the end of 7th grade, I went to confession with my mom and brothers. As I confessed every sin, I felt guilt and SHAME. But after confession, I felt lifted and that's when I made the resolve to better myself in at least one way: to stop cussing. I felt peace & it felt sooo GOOD. (:

About two years later, July 2006. I attended a retreat that played a big role in my choice to follow Christ. To be completely honest, I didn't know what was going on the first two days. Sure, I SEMI-listened to the talk's about God's love, salvation, etc. But before we were baptized with the Holy Spirit, I stood to accept a promise without knowing what I was committing myself to. When my discussion group facilitator placed her hands over me and prayed in tongues, I was waiting for something to happen. She prayed earnestly, passionately but STILL I felt nothing. When she finished I thought This was it? When I got back to my seat, however, I started tearing up, then crying.. then BAWLING but I DIDN'T KNOW WHY. My eyes were closed... one minute I was crying the next minute I'm in a field near a stream. Suddenly I was in a different dimension. It was sunny and I saw a light, and then feet. And I followed the light, and it was a man. I knew who it was, but I couldn't understand what was happening. The only thing He told me was Believe in Me, and you can do ANYTHING. I WAS AT PEACE. And I knew it was peace because of the transition back to tears. Haha. When it ended, I found myself in the middle of crying. (Looking back, I wondered if I looked funky or something while this was happening. haha) But after this INCIDENT (or whatever you want to call it), I decided to take a walk with faith. I needed to BELIEVE to experience new things. Y'knoww. God was just another person I learned about every Sunday, but I realized how REAL He was in my life and how much I wanted Him in my life!

Peace. I sought peace after that evening. I know I've forgotten what it's like to yearn for it, let alone feel it. And I realize how HUNGRY I really am. But yeah.. maybe I'll continue this on another blog.

Till later, then?

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