Monday, December 14, 2009


In other words, "So be it." (In other other words, "I believe")

I'd hate to give a summary of all the talks, even though I feel you may learn something. And I dare NOT share my theological views online-at least not now. I'd prefer for the questions to come to me again, and this time I'll have some answers. So be it? Amen.

Hey! Well I just want to say that a lot of us are in the right place, at the right time. It happened to me, it happened to the teens that went on retreat, it's happening to you.

Anyway, our theme for this weekend was "In the flesh." And I thought I was gonna be okay with it, the Eucharist = real flesh. But they took it on another level. (Another reason why you can't ever try putting your faith or God Himself in a box. It WON'T work)

"Be Christ in the flesh to someone we encounter." As I prepared to do the reading yesterday, I understand the word kindness. And what I learned in a discussion was, SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY. Don't think twice about an act about universal healthcare, approve of it. Don't think twice about whether we should have the death penalty, disapprove of it! Don't think twice about giving money to the homeless, give him half of what you have. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was someone who was Christ in the flesh to everyone she encountered. I seriously hated giving money to the Catholic Church because all they do is ask for donations for this and that when I saw that our community was still messed up. How could the Catholic Church ask for more and more money if it seems that the Church is rich? Hey, hey! Keyword is "seems." In actuality, the Church as a whole is poor. It's poor because of its need to take care of the poor and the retired missionaries who ministered to the poor.  Amen!

I also felt that this weekend was one giant healing session. So many hurts that people didn't want to bring to Christ, but eventually did during Adoration. Even when we shared the last two hours of the retreat brought many people to tears, including myself. And it just showed how connected we are in the Eucharist. Even thought the Church as a whole is HUGE, we are all tight-knit because of the Eucharist. I knew their pains, even though I didn't talk to them all weekend. And something Scarlet said struck me: "With every crucifixion, there is a resurrection." Oh really? Well let's take a look at it. Jesus died and rose again. In relation to salvation: when we die with Him, we rise again. So when we lift up our sacrifices and we suffer in Him and with Him, we find glory! All those weeks we prepared for TCOG, there were a lot of hurts and sacrifices needed to be made, but the glory that came from the participants' response to Christ overcame the hurts. His glory when he rose again overcame sin and death. I believe. Amen!

Again, I want to reiterate that we find ourselves in situations where we are at the right place at the right time. This is so because we are all part of His amazing plan. And so how this works is that. I started this blog about thirty minutes ago, because the Holy Spirit told me so. And you are reading this blog for a greater purpose. You may not realize it now, but you just listened to the Holy Spirit. So there, we were both at the right place at the right time. So be it. I believe. Amen! 

I may have more to say when I have less homework. Hahah! God bless!

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