Sunday, December 6, 2009


The Calling Of God, FTW!

Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!

Well, I just want to say, although it's cliche, that "everything happens for a reason." SO! Today, I woke up and I as planning on going to confession and Mass and possibly Adoration Chapel. And so I go to confession, and instead of the guilt trip feeling, I felt peace. I knew REPENTENCE. I also saw Mark and Kellie, so that was a major whoo hoo! And then after, I saw ERICK! And then we did Stations of the Cross, and it made my desire to repent even stronger. I mean, I was absolved already, but as we went through the stations of the cross, I wanted to REALLY REALLY REALLY turn away from some of my bad habits. Then there was Mass. Let me tell you, Latin songs really set a different mood. So that was pretty darn amazing. My lola, Erick, and I go to Adoration Chapel, and I was just soaked up in His love. Worked on the talk there, and I really asked for His guidance for this night.
And to be honest, I was getting kind of worried as more time passed. We didn't seem to be running on schedule, but we saw that there was a purpose. Everything just came into place. And we had the commitment and the pray overs. Some powerful stuff. Worship. There was no other way it could have been done. And on Erick's part, it was no accident that Kellie, Mark, and I ran into him, because God was calling him to serve. He called us all for a purpose: to set our hearts ablaze with His love. I knew He was there with us tonight. And so I applaud everyone who committed or recommitted their lives to Christ. And whoever is reading this, I just ask for you to pray this with me:

Lord God, I know You did great things in those who have answered Your call. I just ask You to continue to envelope them with all Your love, so that they may continue to want to know You and fall in love with You more and more each day. I ask that You give them the courage to always be ready to give an explanation or a reason for their hope--that same hope which is found in You, my God. And let them be an inspiration, a light, to everyone around them so that they too, will want to know You more. Amen.

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