Saturday, September 12, 2009

Moving Forward

I hear a lot of people talking about hope. We may hope for a good future, but faith is way beyond it. Faith is more than simply belief and more than just hope. Faith is certainty and assurance based on what Jesus has done for us.

My future looks daunting. For one, I don't know where I want to go to college. Secondly, I don't know if I'll ever grow up to meet both my parents' and God's expectations.

I know I've messed up plenty of times, and it's pretty discouraging. I hate feeling like I can never amount to anything near "good enough" and having all the mistakes I've made overshadow all the good things I've done. I hate how I can say "I'll be better," but have a hard time following through with it. How does one overcome such feelings?

I want to keep hoping for a bright future, but that falls under the assumption that we may never get that future we're hoping for. It's time to move forward and understand that my future is held in my Maker's hands. I understand, Alex*. Jesus died for our sake, because He has a greater plan for us. I just have to have faith in His plan for me. I firmly believe that I'll go to the right college ("money ain't the issue"), and more importantly, I'll be the the daughter my parents want me to be and the daughter that God willed me to be.

Reader, if you could pray this prayer with me, I would greatly appreciate it:

Lord God, I know you are an awesome God. I do not know Your ways, but I believe they are greater than any of the most brilliant minds here on earth. Help us understand that there are times where we may fail and falter, but You love us just the same. Help us see that although Your discipline may seem harsh and we do not understand why it's happening to us, You do it because You love us. You want to show us the right path and You want us to learn from our mistakes. Holy Spirit, guide us. Help us live in the Spirit, rather than the flesh. Give us the faith so we may always be confident about our futures. Give us the courage to be willing to change, to conform to Your ways. Give us the wisdom so that we may be more like Jesus. Thank You for always being present in our lives. Amen.

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