Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Dream School

So, I'm afraid to boast, but I can't help but share how God is victorious in my life! I got accepted in my dream school, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio. It's a faith-based school that attracted me in so many ways (once I became open to it). To be honest, I'm scared senseless to go there because that just means I'm going to be away from family and relatives, close friends, the Church I grew spiritually in, the youth group that molded me, etc. But I know that I'll learn to be uprooted from the foundation of everything I mentioned, and be grounded solely in God's love.

I'm just so grateful for all the support I've been receiving, from Rence who told me to go for it, to Mariel who was there to talk me through this, to family and Kuya who want to be selfish and keep me home but know that they have to let me go at one point, to friends near and far who share in my joy and continue to pray for me. The list goes on and on. Thank you especially to Kuya and Gian who've given me the sweetest messages everrr!

Anywho, I just want to share the essay I turned in with my application. While writing this essay, God revealed to me (through John), that "I am not an experience-seeker" or a "Franciscan-seeker," but a God seeker. And I'm just praying that I listen to God's will, whether Franciscan will be a part of His plan or not!

My essay:

My youth music minister once wrote a song with these lyrics: “You are the one that my heart sings, a passion for my King of Kings.” These words define the very meaning of my existence. My passion for singing and my capacity of both my mind and heart are the strengths that I cannot call my own; instead, I can say God gave me these gifts to build His Church. I grew up afraid to share my voice since I was very self-conscious. The same music minister who wrote those lyrics was the same one that forced me to join the choir at my parish, pushing me beyond my comfort zone. Sure enough, my way of thinking changed as I turned my fear into an offering. I became confident as I started placing my trust in Him, and I knew with each song that I lived to please Him. I consider the capacity of my mind and the capacity of my heart as two of my greatest strengths. Since “the same power that conquered the grave lives in me,” (“You Are Here/The Same Power” – Hillsong) I know that wisdom can have no limit and love knows no bounds. I am eager to find answers to my questions and learn as much as I can both about the Catholic faith and the Spirit that moves it. For instance, one of the most important things I have come to understand is that I cannot love others without loving Him first. By applying this to my relationships with family and friends, as well as interactions with new people I meet, God shows me a love I have never experienced before. Knowing Who dwells in me, and knowing that I live for Him makes the possibilities endless for me, as an ambassador for the Truth.

I know God wants me to become more like His Son and although I know I can never amount to anywhere near good enough, I feel that Franciscan will mold me to become close to what God wants me to be. Today, I am a person grounded in my faith, family, friends, and in my youth group. I am someone whose faith is borrowed from strong warriors. I am someone who constantly needs guidance and wisdom. I know that going to a faith-based school will only take me so far, but I feel Franciscan University is a school that will teach me how to make God the center of my life—it’s going to bring me closer. God wants me to be someone grounded solely in His love. He wants me to be someone whose faith is borrowed from His Son, Jesus Christ. He wants me to become an intelligent individual with child-like obedience so He can shepherd me.

An education at Franciscan University would best complement my learning style as well as my desire to learn more about my faith. As a member of a close-knit family and a Catholic community, I have grown to love an intimate learning environment. I also believe that being surrounded by hundreds of believers my age everyday inspires me to become more like Him. I love the idea of being in walking distance of an Adoration Chapel and the “heaven-on-earth” atmosphere seven days a week. Since I want to grow closer to Jesus Christ and bring people closer to Him, I believe that attending Franciscan University will further equip me with the necessary tools to learn more about, and defend, my faith.

1 comment:

  1. we don't know each other, but i read your blogs every now and then and your posts get me thinking all the time. your faith in Him is amazing! you have no idea how much you make me want to have a great relationship with God like you do with Him. because of you, i'm trying to re-strengthen my relationship with Him & i want to thank you for that because i really did miss praying daily, and talking to him & really paying attention at church, listening to His words. i know his might sound weird since we don't know each other, but i wish i was more like you, to be a better Catholic & person. you truly are an inspiration!

    you seem like a great person who deserves nothing but the best & you totally deserve that acceptance into that school. i believe you will do great things. good luck & best wishes to you. :)
