Thursday, January 7, 2010

Still can't do anything yet...

So might as well blog. I don't even know if my head's in the right place as of now. But, again. Here goes nothing... errr everything.

Currently listening to:
C.S. Lewis Song - Brooke Fraser
Based on Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

I don't know if the rest of the lines are from that book, but I know the first couple of lines are from Mere Christianity. Btw, I totally recommend that book. You can be atheist, someone who's getting into the faith, devout Christian, etc. You'll definitely learn something new. My favorite lines:

If I find in myself desires nothing in this world can satisfy
I can only conclude that I, I was not made for here.

Alright, this may be hard to understand... at least it was hard for me when I heard it the first time. But when it was explained to me in the book, it clicked! All right. So basically we have wants and desires, but no matter HOW HARD WE TRY, we always seem to be missing something. We can have all the money in the world, but we can't buy happiness. We can have 1,234,523,234 friends, but we can still feel lonely. We can have all the fame in the world, but still have a broken life. We can chase all these things of this world that seem to make us happy, but come short at the end. This means that all these earthly things we tend to be after (yes, I'm guilty too! All those material things that make me grow attached to this world) aren't ENOUGH to fill that GREATER DESIRE. We have desires for something that is not of THIS world. I've said this often (and all of a sudden my ideas are starting to come together): We have an affinity for Jesus Christ. What is it that draws us to Him? Why do we see atheists joining Christian groups? Why do we see the lukewarm Christians asking questions, after such a long time? So now we know we have a desire for Jesus Christ, and it just goes to show that we were not meant for this world, but in the next.

Don't misunderstand me, though. C.S. Lewis also explains that the things in this world are not bad, or that we should take the blessings we recieve on this earth for granted. They are, I guess, sneak previews of what we're REALLY going to receive.

Sorry if I was all over the place tonight. It's currently 1:24 am

But yeah, I just encourage you to read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. It can answer questions such as... Can God microwave a hot pocket that's too hot for Him to eat? Think about it. (:


  1. God doesn't need a microwave.

  2. It's not whether or not God needs a microwave to heat a hot pocket. It's whether or not He can create something that's too (fill in the blank) for Him. But at the same time, God can do anything right? (;
