Wednesday, December 30, 2009


So.. I'm falling in love with my faith and the Spirit that moves it.

How 'bout it, huh? I've read through two enlightening, revealing, unveiling books. And it makes me want to learn more. I want to know about God's Word in relation to the Church. What is liturgy anyway? What is the Eucharist anyway? What is the Ark of the Covenant and the Ark of the New Covenant anyway?I'm one step closer to really understanding the Catholic faith, but I feel as if I can't tell you in detail what I've learned. I'm not so sure if I understand it myself. But I know that there's Truth behind all the words I have read. Anywho, I'm babbling. But I know for sure where my home is.

I challenge anyone and everyone, but most especially Catholics who do not understand the beauty of Mass to read these books:

Rome Sweet Home - Scott Hahn
Hahn and his wife's conversion story to Catholicism

The Lamb's Supper - Scott Hahn
Hahn's explanation of Mass in relation to the Book of Revelation. Oh what?!

It's funny too, because I've been praying about going to Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. And I find out shortly after I send my  application that Dr. Hahn is a professor at the university. Reader, please pray for me that God leads me closer to Him(:

Monday, December 14, 2009


In other words, "So be it." (In other other words, "I believe")

I'd hate to give a summary of all the talks, even though I feel you may learn something. And I dare NOT share my theological views online-at least not now. I'd prefer for the questions to come to me again, and this time I'll have some answers. So be it? Amen.

Hey! Well I just want to say that a lot of us are in the right place, at the right time. It happened to me, it happened to the teens that went on retreat, it's happening to you.

Anyway, our theme for this weekend was "In the flesh." And I thought I was gonna be okay with it, the Eucharist = real flesh. But they took it on another level. (Another reason why you can't ever try putting your faith or God Himself in a box. It WON'T work)

"Be Christ in the flesh to someone we encounter." As I prepared to do the reading yesterday, I understand the word kindness. And what I learned in a discussion was, SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY. Don't think twice about an act about universal healthcare, approve of it. Don't think twice about whether we should have the death penalty, disapprove of it! Don't think twice about giving money to the homeless, give him half of what you have. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was someone who was Christ in the flesh to everyone she encountered. I seriously hated giving money to the Catholic Church because all they do is ask for donations for this and that when I saw that our community was still messed up. How could the Catholic Church ask for more and more money if it seems that the Church is rich? Hey, hey! Keyword is "seems." In actuality, the Church as a whole is poor. It's poor because of its need to take care of the poor and the retired missionaries who ministered to the poor.  Amen!

I also felt that this weekend was one giant healing session. So many hurts that people didn't want to bring to Christ, but eventually did during Adoration. Even when we shared the last two hours of the retreat brought many people to tears, including myself. And it just showed how connected we are in the Eucharist. Even thought the Church as a whole is HUGE, we are all tight-knit because of the Eucharist. I knew their pains, even though I didn't talk to them all weekend. And something Scarlet said struck me: "With every crucifixion, there is a resurrection." Oh really? Well let's take a look at it. Jesus died and rose again. In relation to salvation: when we die with Him, we rise again. So when we lift up our sacrifices and we suffer in Him and with Him, we find glory! All those weeks we prepared for TCOG, there were a lot of hurts and sacrifices needed to be made, but the glory that came from the participants' response to Christ overcame the hurts. His glory when he rose again overcame sin and death. I believe. Amen!

Again, I want to reiterate that we find ourselves in situations where we are at the right place at the right time. This is so because we are all part of His amazing plan. And so how this works is that. I started this blog about thirty minutes ago, because the Holy Spirit told me so. And you are reading this blog for a greater purpose. You may not realize it now, but you just listened to the Holy Spirit. So there, we were both at the right place at the right time. So be it. I believe. Amen! 

I may have more to say when I have less homework. Hahah! God bless!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Matthew 11:28-30

Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus said to the crowds:
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am meek and humble of heart;
and you will find rest for yourselves.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”

Dear Friends,

If you're exhausted, frustrated, depressed, sick of all the mumbo jumbo in your life then I encourage you to run--run as fast as you can all the way Home-- and cling on to God. (I'm not quite exactly sure why I am compelled to write such a blog, but hopefully this may be useful to you. Whether you stumble upon this on December 9,2009 or January 10, 2010 doesn't really matter. Whatever the case may be, this message is for you, and you'll know who you are.) Leave behind all the noise and settle in the stillness, in His arms. Because who knows better with what you're going through than Jesus Himself? Walking 100 mi. radius from His home, suffering from physical tiredness but also spiritually, as He battled with the thought that the people He's gonna save are the very people who will spit on Him, curse Him, and reject Him! But above all of this, the image we see of Jesus is an image of peace and gentle compassion. Despite these physical and spiritual struggles, He was able to overcome them. And so He tells us "take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest in yourselves" because He knows that if we rest in Him and let His graces fall on us, then we will most definitely find rest.
Too many of us-- much too many of us-- think we can go on with our own strength. Our very strength is temporary! And some of us may even try to find temporary escapes. Someone once said that if you attach to things that die (even our strength is eventually exhausted), then we die. But if you attach to God, who is immortal, then we live forever. We find strength in Him because His power is endless, just as His love is endless. And if you think you are unworthy of those graces, then you're mistaken because God is too generous and too loving to keep you from His grace. "If grace is an ocean, then we're all sinking."

Sunday, December 6, 2009


The Calling Of God, FTW!

Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!

Well, I just want to say, although it's cliche, that "everything happens for a reason." SO! Today, I woke up and I as planning on going to confession and Mass and possibly Adoration Chapel. And so I go to confession, and instead of the guilt trip feeling, I felt peace. I knew REPENTENCE. I also saw Mark and Kellie, so that was a major whoo hoo! And then after, I saw ERICK! And then we did Stations of the Cross, and it made my desire to repent even stronger. I mean, I was absolved already, but as we went through the stations of the cross, I wanted to REALLY REALLY REALLY turn away from some of my bad habits. Then there was Mass. Let me tell you, Latin songs really set a different mood. So that was pretty darn amazing. My lola, Erick, and I go to Adoration Chapel, and I was just soaked up in His love. Worked on the talk there, and I really asked for His guidance for this night.
And to be honest, I was getting kind of worried as more time passed. We didn't seem to be running on schedule, but we saw that there was a purpose. Everything just came into place. And we had the commitment and the pray overs. Some powerful stuff. Worship. There was no other way it could have been done. And on Erick's part, it was no accident that Kellie, Mark, and I ran into him, because God was calling him to serve. He called us all for a purpose: to set our hearts ablaze with His love. I knew He was there with us tonight. And so I applaud everyone who committed or recommitted their lives to Christ. And whoever is reading this, I just ask for you to pray this with me:

Lord God, I know You did great things in those who have answered Your call. I just ask You to continue to envelope them with all Your love, so that they may continue to want to know You and fall in love with You more and more each day. I ask that You give them the courage to always be ready to give an explanation or a reason for their hope--that same hope which is found in You, my God. And let them be an inspiration, a light, to everyone around them so that they too, will want to know You more. Amen.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I will choose Christ

Jer 33:14-16
Ps 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14
1 Thes 3:12-4:2
Lk 21:25-28, 34-36

First off, I'd like to say that Fr. Juan is AMAZING. He's such an inspiration and a genius, no joke. So he compared Black Friday holiday shopping to Advent. Advent = Preparing for the coming of Christ. He said that just as we prepare for gift-giving by wrapping presents, we must, more importantly, prepare a heart that is decorated, clean, open, and filled with humility for Jesus the Savior. He also related waiting in line for Black Friday to Advent. He said that many of the people in line have patience to wait even during the night before so they can bust open through doors the morning after. That kind of spirit is the kind we need to really prepare for the coming of Christ. Whether "in history, or in mystery." In other words, as we celebrate Jesus' birth, or when we see Him through others.

Oh wow, it's funny too, cause the moment mass started, I got these crazy goosebumps and I knew right then and there that this was going to be different. And I was right.

"But when these signs begin to happen,
stand erect and raise your heads
because your redemption is at hand.
- Luke 21:28

I had this belief before Mass today that we should not talk about the coming of Christ to those who aren't "ready." But I learned that the coming of Christ doesn't have to be the end of the world. I mean yeah, definitely wait "in joyful hope for the coming of the Lord." But at the same time I feel that the coming of Christ is EVERYDAY. He comes EVERYDAY. Through the Eucharist, through my family and friends, through miracles that are seen. The thing is, how am I preparing each day? Cause when I think of Him coming, I think "oh no, not now" which makes it easier for me to fall. But knowing that Christ is constantly HERE, the only thing to do now is "stand erect and raise your heads" DAILY. And so, I WILL choose Christ! Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every year!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sorry i haven't posted.

Well NATIONAL GATHERING 2009; highlight of my October. Oh wordd?

Well National Gathering was from Oct 2-4. Road trip with Mom, Kuya, Vince, Kellie, and Allison! Whoo! I would talk about all the beautiful faces I've met, re-met, and missed, but that would just take wayy too long!

Anywho. I think the craziest experience over there in the NG, was the Adoration/PrayOver combination. In the stillness, I found God. In the stillness, I found peace. It was amazing. I just wanted to climb onto my Father's lap and just sit there, y'know? And when I was prayed over, I was overwhelmed and got slain by the Spirit. The peace that came with it was bliss. I wish I could have that feeling forever. It's okay, 99 more years, God willing. ahahaha!

But anywho. Something Hydie told me hit home. Her and Mariel have this best friend relationship and Mariel said "I'll see you in the Eucharist." Hydie told me that maybe the reason we all clicked just like that was because we were always connected through the Eucharist. Every Sunday, I don't just see Christ my brother, but I also see my other brothers and sisters from all corners of the world. Mind-boggling, I know. Hard to understand? Yeah, tell me about it. But it's so true.

I'll write more later (:

Thursday, October 1, 2009


We Are Prophets of a Future Not Our Own

"It helps, now and then, to step back and take the long view.
The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts,
It is beyond our vision.

We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of
the magnificent enterprise that is God's work.

We plant seeds that one day will grow.
We water seeds already planted, knowing
that they hold future promise.

We cannot do everything
and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that.
This enables us to do something,
and to do it very well.
It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way,
an opportunity for God's grace to enter and do the rest.

We may never see the end results,
but that is the difference between the master builder
and the worker.

We are workers, not master builders,
ministers, not messiahs.
We are prophets of a future not our own."

Do what you can, when you can. I've always wondered about the spiritual well-being of those who were once on fire for the Lord and are now at a roadblock. As a minister to those who need help seeking the Truth, it may be hard sometimes not knowing whether you've made an impact on others' lives or not. Your efforts may seem fruitless at first, but when you take a step back, you realize you cannot fathom the ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES of your hard work. God is the "author and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12:2. I find a sense of security in that. Dang. Just knowing that once the seed is planted and God will finish the project is enough for me. So imagine... the combination of all of us doing our part with the confidence that God will make a way for them is SO very powerful.
Do what you can, when you can. "We cannot do everything and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that." It's assuring that not everything will be up to us. Sure, we give it 110% every time, but we know that there's only so much we can do before we just surrender it to God. Humbling to know that we can't do everything, and the things we can do are done because God gave us those talents and abilities. And what better way to show our gratitude for our gifts by giving it back to God?
Do what you can, when you can. "We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker" You just never know who you've touched. You may have spoken to many people about the Good News. Out of a fraction of those people, you don't know who they've inspired because of your work (rather, God's work). But you realize that you can't miss the opportunity to share it to everyone else!

When it comes down to it, what we do is so little, but God can do much more with our works, beyond what we can see or imagine.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I need rhythm.

Just like that one verr difficult hump I had to get over to learn "River Flows in You," I've got another rhythmic challenge to face in "One" by Mr. Patrick Urgino on the keys.

Good news though! Sure, I'm rhythmically challenged when it comes to musical instruments, but I got a little bit of rhythm when it comes to the faith. Life will give me one rhythmic pattern, and I'll give it a different one that corresponds with it beautifully. Yeeeeee. I'm gonna show you that although my faith is tested, I will not conform to this age and I will no longer be ashamed when I get a little creative.

You're like...What the heck is she talking about?
I don't know either, don't ask :3

Well first off, I carry a Bible in my bag. The bag I take to school, to work, etc. Since I start school at 9, I come to school at 8:30 and have my devotional on the staircase, while the other students are in their first period. Anywho, just know that I use it. Haha.

So in Psychology I volunteered for this activity where me and another girl bring a purse of things we normally carry. The contents of each purse are listed and people have to write about what kind of person the owner of the bag is based on the list. So yesterday, when she told us we had to use our bags, I had a feeling that we were gonna do this activity. So out of shame, I took out the Bible from my bag and placed it under my Calculus book. We went outside and my teacher was explaining what the activity was (and I was right!!!) and she said something along the lines of: "If you have anything embarrassing (she was talking about female necessities), make sure you take it out before we present it to the class."

WHAT A BUMMER! So I found myself asking Am I really embarrassed about carrying a Bible around? I was disappointed in myself, but it seems as if God gave me a chance to redeem myself, because we were given a day to prepare. Today, our teacher showed the class what I had in my purse. When she pulled out the Bible, I told myself I would keep my head held high (There would be no sinking in seats or hiding behind desks). I got a few comments like "Why do you carry a Bible around?" and a lot of snickers and teasing when they found my abstinence cards ._. [Side note: I HATE when people look through my wallet. arghh! I didn't even know she was gonna look through it!]

But I learned something verr important: It's one thing to proclaim the faith to those who are familiar with it. But how do you find courage to proclaim it to everyone else?

I found my sense of rhythm today. I don't want to be ashamed of my God. I want to be courageous. At times, I'll be working against the tides of today's culture. But I hope more people find the funky rhythm inspiring. That more people find the beauty in the counter-culture.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I believe

I believe that nothing can outweigh
the advantage of knowing Jesus Christ.
The advantage of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord.

What can be better than a love like this? I don't know. I always feel like I can do more for Him. The challenges or frustrations can never compare to the joy I receive from serving or ministering to others. I applaud those who served this past weekend at the Beaumont retreat, I congratulate the participants who committed their lives to Christ. Wow. You guys still have MUCH MORE in store for you. National Gathering is in a week or so, and I know that I'll be BLOWN AWAY. AHHHHHHH! Lifeteen's starting up again at our church and I know that it's gonna be a great program. Long story short, I'm PUMPED!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"No longer I, but Christ"

Galatians 2:19-20

"For through the law I died to the law, that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me."

Who are we living for? Many times in our lives, we are given the opportunity to do something for God. We just tend to be selfish. We want to do our own things, even those things that prevent us from becoming more like Christ. But Paul, who once lived for the law (even persecuted early Christians), chose Christ instead and encourages us to take up our crosses and live for God. What does it mean to take up our crosses? One word: Counter-culture. We, as followers of Christ, as ambassadors for the Truth, have been set apart by God. And so, we are challenged to live not by the norm of today's society, but for the Truth in Christ Jesus. It means sacrifice on our part. It means saying "No longer I, but Christ"; that His ways are higher and again having that faith to believe that we don't need any our selfish desires, but just Him. When we let go, and embrace him that's where we find TRUE HAPPINESS. Seriously, why would Paul turn his whole life around, write all these letters in the new Testament if he wasn't inspired by Jesus and the faith, if he wasn't happy? So again I ask you: Who are we living for?

G'night world!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Moving Forward

I hear a lot of people talking about hope. We may hope for a good future, but faith is way beyond it. Faith is more than simply belief and more than just hope. Faith is certainty and assurance based on what Jesus has done for us.

My future looks daunting. For one, I don't know where I want to go to college. Secondly, I don't know if I'll ever grow up to meet both my parents' and God's expectations.

I know I've messed up plenty of times, and it's pretty discouraging. I hate feeling like I can never amount to anything near "good enough" and having all the mistakes I've made overshadow all the good things I've done. I hate how I can say "I'll be better," but have a hard time following through with it. How does one overcome such feelings?

I want to keep hoping for a bright future, but that falls under the assumption that we may never get that future we're hoping for. It's time to move forward and understand that my future is held in my Maker's hands. I understand, Alex*. Jesus died for our sake, because He has a greater plan for us. I just have to have faith in His plan for me. I firmly believe that I'll go to the right college ("money ain't the issue"), and more importantly, I'll be the the daughter my parents want me to be and the daughter that God willed me to be.

Reader, if you could pray this prayer with me, I would greatly appreciate it:

Lord God, I know you are an awesome God. I do not know Your ways, but I believe they are greater than any of the most brilliant minds here on earth. Help us understand that there are times where we may fail and falter, but You love us just the same. Help us see that although Your discipline may seem harsh and we do not understand why it's happening to us, You do it because You love us. You want to show us the right path and You want us to learn from our mistakes. Holy Spirit, guide us. Help us live in the Spirit, rather than the flesh. Give us the faith so we may always be confident about our futures. Give us the courage to be willing to change, to conform to Your ways. Give us the wisdom so that we may be more like Jesus. Thank You for always being present in our lives. Amen.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Friend's Devotional

Hey ____. I know I'm putting you on the spot, but what you said hit me.

So my friends and I have a daily devotional, where each of us sends a verse or two to one another and give our explanations. *Thinking of a unisex name to keep it anonymous* How about Alex

Hebrews 12:1-2
Alex wrote:

life is complicated and filled with so much temptation and sin that can blind us from God. Lets throw all that away and focus on God. Now that we're seniors some of us may be confused or uncertain on what to do in the future. I hear a lot of people talking about hope. We may hope for a good future, but faith is way beyond it. Faith is more than simply belief and more than just hope. Faith is certainty and assurance based on what Jesus has done for us. So lets throw away everything that hinders, focus on Jesus, and have faith in Him. For He will give us all a good future. I just want to say today was a great day and I had fun aha, i learned a lot from our bible study and dream center. Thanks guys, may God continue to bless us =) goodnight

Maybe I'll edit later. It's just crazy, how this could come from Alex! You've grown so much Alex, I'm proud to be affiliated with you. XD

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Take me to that place.

"Found" by Hillsong

And I've found myself in You Lord
And I've found myself in You

Take me to a place
where I can see you face to face
and all I wanna do,
all I wanna do is worship You.

Kuya Marc, Ninang, Allison, and I sang with the band today (:

God reminded me today that I can be changed through Him. "We can't change. God changes us" I just gotta have the will to say "Lord, heal me." I have to be the one to say Yes Lord, have Your way in me. I think the first step in your transformation is to acknowledge that there are areas in your life that need some help. Then you just lift that area in your life up to God, and He'll take care of the rest. You then realize that you're not the one thinking "Okay, today I'm gonna do better." That's the Holy Spirit encouraging and inspiring you, son.

Mark 7:33-35
He took him off by himself away from the crowd. He put his finger into the man's ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, "Ephphatha!" (that is, "Be opened!") And (immediately) the man's ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed, and he spoke plainly.

Personal time with Jesus. That's when we can be healed. Not in the busy-ness of today's world. Nor in the presence of the crowd. The best time for me is in the presence of the Eucharist or during Communion. The time when He and I are one and when I'm zeroing in on Jesus. I take Communion, CONFIDENT that He will transform me to be more and more like His son. There's this other song that goes "The same power that conquered the grave LIVES IN ME." It's mind-blowing. You KNOW that anything is possible - change, rejection of temptation, miracles - simply because Christ, who defeated sin and death, lives in YOU.

I'm gonna be better, just you wait and see. I was afraid that my faith would go downhill because these next few months I'm going to be so busy, just like last year. But instead, I'm gonna lift that up to God and watch Him work. I'm going to be better. You can quote me on that.

I've found myself in You, Lord.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

You don't even know

How I'm feeling right now.

I just know that I'm blessed to have a family that loves me, friends that show me how much I mean to them, and most importantly a Father.

A few minutes after August 26 12:00 a.m. I received this graffiti from Rochelle Lingat!

Ahh! I thought that was really sweet!

The next morning, I see Juls' video. A Video from Passion, on my day. Yeeeeee

Oh wordd?! Passion's psychic? I wish.. that was for Claire.

NO Matter! I also received a video from John Paul Breganza!

My Norcal Brother! That was .. ahh! I loved it.

F'course I receieved several other fb notifications & myspace comments. But I'm too lazy to go down the list and name all of you guys. Just know that I really appreciate it! REALLY.

Anywho! I went to go pick up my schedule with Oliver and he was distracting me until Hermosa & Co. were ready for the main event: My suprise partayy! Hayyyy! All that was running though my head the entire time was: what did I do to deserve this? Friends like these? Especially after reading their thread and seeing how much aruguing and planning to happen for this to take place made me so... happy (:

After, we went to Hermosa Beach (C'mon, where else?) and had some quality time. Hahah! But on the way back, since Oliver missed church, he just did his devotional in his car. The guys were knocking out in the back, but when Kellie woke up, we had a little discussion about what it means to STEP UP after dry periods and trials.

And when I get home late for dinner, I know I still have a loving family waiting for me.

But my biggest realization today was how all of these things were made possible through God. My relationships with my family and friends (even some of you who live hundreds of miles away)! Quite frankly, too many people are starving for love now a days. Somewhere out there, someone's coming home from work .. with no one to come home to. Or maybe someone may have lost the only person they could relate to over drama. Whatever the case may be, I believe the people who starve for love the most are the people who need God the most.

SEEK GOD FIRST, & everything will fall into place. That was also mentioned in our discussion. These past few years, I found it pointless to gain everyone's approval through popularity. I had my own set of friends f'course, said hi to everyone I knew but that was pretty much it. Instead of trying to make room for God in my friends' & family's schedule, I realized it's more fitting to have everyone else adjust to my schedule with God. No, I don't need to go to the mall every Friday with friends, although I thought that was the coolest thing everrr. Looking back, I don't even remember anything really significant that happened. On the other hand, I can tell you that every time I came from Mass, Adoration, Confession, youth group meetings, retreats, or choir practice I can DEFINITELY tell you that I gained something out of it. It's been my goal to seek God first and I found that everything falls into place. I don't have see my friends everyday, but they can give me the best surprise ever to show me that I'm SOMETHING to SOMEONE. And I believe none of this could have happened the way it did without God. It happened to me because I chose to live for Him. It can happen to you just by doing the same. <3

Thank You, my God.
Thank You, my Lord.
Thank You, my Savior.
Thank You, my King.
Thank You, my Father.
Thank You, my Brother.
Thank You, my Best Friend.
Thank You, my Teacher.
Thank You, my Redeemer.
Thank You, my Healer.
Thank You, my Love.
Thank You, my Rock.
Thank You, my Light.
Thank You, my Salvation.
Thank You, my EVERYTHING.
& Thank you everyone who made my day really special. I love you guys.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know well the plan I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give a a future full of hope.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Birthday Wishlist?!

- Hershey's Toffee&Almond Nuggets (with milk f'course)
- Long letters
- Quality time!
- Mixed CD's (music that reminds me of you)
- Dresses
- A PONY ! *
- Birthday greetings
- A visit at work sometime during the week?
- Pacsun gift card. Or something nice from there . HAHA
- A smile
- Hugs
- Surprise?

*just kidding

I hope I'm not asking for too much. I mean, it's not like I'm expecting much from anyone, really. All I'm really asking for, is for someone to say "Hey, happy birthday. I'm glad you exist" or something like that. Hahah! I'm 17 in 3 freakkin days, and I just realized that.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our God is here!

"Here in the Word, God is revealed,
here where the wounded can be healed.
Here in our hearts, here in our lives,
our God is here.
Here we become what we receive,
here in this Eucharistic feast.
We are his body, living as one;
our God is here."

Okay so many of us Catholics go to Mass on Sunday, we pretty much have everything we need to be nourished (the Word of God, Jesus Himself, praise and worship, community). I've always been told that Mass was the ultimate prayer. You don't really understand it until you actively participate.

One thing we tend to take for granted are the readings.

Fact: If you went to Mass every day over a three-year period, you would have gone through almost the whole Bible. OH wordddd?!

But it's one thing to listen and have the Word proclaimed to you. You have to listen with an open heart and meditate on the message you are receiving. And THAT'S when you start noticing a sense of fulfillment.

But I feel the gift we really take for granted is the Eucharist.

John 6:53-58
Jesus said to them,
“Amen, amen, I say to you,
unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood,
you do not have life within you.
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood
has eternal life,
and I will raise him on the last day.
For my flesh is true food,
and my blood is true drink.
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood
remains in me and I in him.

Just as the living Father sent me
and I have life because of the Father,
so also the one who feeds on me
will have life because of me.
This is the bread that came down from heaven.
Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died,
whoever eats this bread will live forever.

How long will we take things for granted?

It really takes a leap of faith and understanding to see God in a piece of bread and in a chalice. This is why we have to go through the whole process of Sacraments in order to partake in this Eucharistic Feast. This is why we have to take every Sunday SERIOUSLY. Honestly, I have to think about whether or not I should receive Communion. Even the smallest sin haunts me just because it falls under the Ten Commandments. What haunts me even more though, is knowing that some people don't understand the Eucharist and consume it without thinking. When we respond to the Eucharist with "Amen", do we really BELIEVE? and when we receive, do we allow ourselves to be transformed, to be more like Jesus? We are offered the Bread of Life EVERY DAY. A chance to see him in an Adoration chapel. A chance to witness a miracle in Daily Mass. Don't see the opportunities to see Him during Adoration OR on Sunday as an obligation, but see it as something we NEED to carry on for the rest of the week, the rest of our lives. I feel that if we really know the importance of His presence in our lives, we'd want to go and see and experience Him everyday.

Something the priest said today struck me. You don't eat unless you are hungry or thirsty. You get what you give. That means you can't fully experience Jesus if you aren't hungry for Him. If you don't put effort in knowing Him and having that personal relationship with Him as your Best Friend AND your King, you can't really understand the Eucharist. On the other hand, if you allow Him to, He will REALLY MOVE in YOU.

I know I still have A LOT of growing to do. Today, after Communion, I got a totally different experience. I've been feeling guilty lately, but somehow I was drawn to Him. And that feeling of peace overwhelmed me once again and I was moved to tears. So the question remains: what more can I do for God? This this week, and from this day forward, I'm really going to LET Him be the Lord of my life. Allow my will to be conformed to His. And little by little I will be transformed by His body, blood, and divinity. Little by little, I will continue to grow in faith.

Another thing the priest said was that when we eat food, it becomes part of us. But when we consume Christ, WE become part of Christ. And we glorify the Lord in all that we do because we are INSPIRED by the Eucharist. And that's where true glory is found: in Him. So, reader, I dare you to allow yourselves to be transformed in the Eucharist too and get back to me! ^_^

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nothing like

Wonder Bread and Nutella at 1:00 AM (:

Alright alright! So I would talk about how Steubenville went, but I'll give you the condensed version. God is good! Adoration CHANGED me. Matt Maher & Audrey Assad owned. hahah

Audrey Assad - Love is Moving - Cornerstone Chandler - Worship from brianwurzell on Vimeo.

Anyway, love is DEFINITELY moving. And here's why. I didn't come home from Arizona with the expected spiritual high; instead, I came back with a realization: what I've been doing these past couple of months can't amount to "enough" anymore. The big question I had during adoration was "What more can I do to be closer to You?" And the little girl in me cried out because she was stirred by His presence.

I've prayed about it, and I continue to pray about it (If you, Reader, could pray for me, that would be awesome too!<3). And answered prayer after I gave my talk/testimony today at the FCJY Meeting. I was asked to write outlines and give some more talks for the meetings. I was asked to call old members and remind them about the meetings. It's like what I said today: "God will SPECIFICALLY tell you what you need to do in order to grow closer to Him" And it's like He handed me a dinner platter of things to do. So I'm really grateful and I know I have a big task at hand, so again I ask for your prayers.

Oh yeah! I also went to Mara's church-affair-concert-thing. Her little dance number (you had to have seen it in order to get me) hit me. I don't exactly know why, but woahhhh!

So G'night world, and again. If you have any prayer requests, don't hesitate to HOLLA. Cause you'll MOS. DEF. BE IN MY PRAYERS.

Monday, July 27, 2009

How He Loves.

He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realise just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

And oh, how He loves us so,
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all

Yeah, He loves us,
Oh! how He loves us,
Oh! how He loves us,
Oh! how He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Oh! how He loves us,
Oh! how He loves us,
OH! how He loves.

We are His portion and He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes,
If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.
So Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest,
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about, the way…

Monday, July 20, 2009

Prayer Requests, Anyone?

Well I don't know who reads my blogs, but Hey Reader!

I'm trying to get a list of request going every night
So i remember who to pray for.
So just get back to me if you need prayers for anything (:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hit me hard God, Take me home.

Current song playing:
"Consuming Fire"
More Than Life album
By Hillsong

"Stir it UP in our hearts, Lord"

I've been fighting for that flame. I know God will forever remain in me, and I know I'll always have Him. But I've been waiting, YEARNING for that passionate flame once again. And as I listened to this song and as I prayed this song I really felt the Holy Spirit knocking. I lifted everything up to Him: my relationships with my family and my friends, my service, my life.

I'm letting go.

I don't need what the world may offer. It's all temporary. Kuya Marc asked me a couple nights ago what I would do if I had $1000. Hmmm... I really need an iPod. And then I thought. OH RLY?! another thing that can distract you from listening to Him. Cause I know when I had my iPod, my earphones were practically glued to my hears. Walking home, at home when I don't want to listen to anyone, before I slept. Yeah, it had some worship songs in there, but RARELY have I REALLY listened to God. And now I know there was a purpose to losing it in the first place. It's God telling me to let go of the DISTRACTIONS.

The world gets busier and busier. I mean, we have high speed internet, cell phones, airplanes. But we "never have enough time." No, I don't have time to go to church on Sundays. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! 1 Hour is all He asks. Actually, no. He wants more than that. He wants YOUR LIFE. That one hour is really for us. Our time to actually let go and lift everything up to Him. But He wants us every minute of every day, and we're too distracted to put some effort in our relationship with Him. We're too afraid of the truth. That to live means to actually leave everything behind and follow Him. That the PERFECT relationship can only be found with Him, not in our friends, family, bf/gf. That one step closer to true joy is letting go of bad habits and being born again.

Seek to understand and know our Maker. That's my goal.

And I pray you're courageous enough to do the same.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Take me to Arizona.

Take me to the blazing heat, I don't care. I mean, I'm already on fire.. for Him that is (;

OMG OMG OMG OMG! So today I found myself singing for Holy Family once again. Crazy, right? Well yeah, it was awesome serving with Matthew, David, Jeff, Jeremy, and Ryan! WHOO. I think I got all their names right. At first it was awkward, because we got through practice without even introducing one another. But when the priest, Fr. Marcial Juan, opened up with prayer, he reminded us that we are unified as a church. And to not be afraid like a family. So he said we had to introduce ourselves to one another when we exchanged the sign of peace. And I really felt God talking to all of us, but the band specifically. I think all awkwardness disappeared after we got to know everyone's name. Hahah. This is Fr.! & he's pretty darn awesome.

But yeah! just getting back to singing. I'm serious, today was the highlight of my week. I mentioned how badly I sought peace in the previous blog. Well guess what? I felt at peace. After recieving Jesus in communion and singing my little heart out for Him during Mass was absolutely AMAY-YAY-ZING. It's not that easy to explain with words, exactly what I felt. But I DID feel a sense of security. I don't want to let go of this fire. Nonononononoonono. And I'm gonna put more effort into this. I don't want to get lazy anymore. And I don't want my feelings to dictate my way of worshiping my God.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Where it all began.

I had a discussion with my friend that made me reflect upon my Spiritual Status. And as I slowly started to recall what it was like to first meet Jesus, it inspired me to write this blog.

Why do I love my Lord and Savior soo much, that I choose to follow a path that few people dare to travel?

He captured my heart and I didn't even know it. It started with confession after how many years? Near the end of 7th grade, I went to confession with my mom and brothers. As I confessed every sin, I felt guilt and SHAME. But after confession, I felt lifted and that's when I made the resolve to better myself in at least one way: to stop cussing. I felt peace & it felt sooo GOOD. (:

About two years later, July 2006. I attended a retreat that played a big role in my choice to follow Christ. To be completely honest, I didn't know what was going on the first two days. Sure, I SEMI-listened to the talk's about God's love, salvation, etc. But before we were baptized with the Holy Spirit, I stood to accept a promise without knowing what I was committing myself to. When my discussion group facilitator placed her hands over me and prayed in tongues, I was waiting for something to happen. She prayed earnestly, passionately but STILL I felt nothing. When she finished I thought This was it? When I got back to my seat, however, I started tearing up, then crying.. then BAWLING but I DIDN'T KNOW WHY. My eyes were closed... one minute I was crying the next minute I'm in a field near a stream. Suddenly I was in a different dimension. It was sunny and I saw a light, and then feet. And I followed the light, and it was a man. I knew who it was, but I couldn't understand what was happening. The only thing He told me was Believe in Me, and you can do ANYTHING. I WAS AT PEACE. And I knew it was peace because of the transition back to tears. Haha. When it ended, I found myself in the middle of crying. (Looking back, I wondered if I looked funky or something while this was happening. haha) But after this INCIDENT (or whatever you want to call it), I decided to take a walk with faith. I needed to BELIEVE to experience new things. Y'knoww. God was just another person I learned about every Sunday, but I realized how REAL He was in my life and how much I wanted Him in my life!

Peace. I sought peace after that evening. I know I've forgotten what it's like to yearn for it, let alone feel it. And I realize how HUNGRY I really am. But yeah.. maybe I'll continue this on another blog.

Till later, then?

Monday, June 29, 2009

This is for all the people

who've inspired me once again. Thank you thank you thank you! <3

I've felt plenty of things this year (the biggest: discouragement) and sometimes felt nothing at all. I didn't realize that I was sleeping for all this time until just recently. "all this time" meaning months after serving in the Life in Christ Series. Discouragement mostly came from the Catholic Club. I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't stand seeing the same 2 or 3 people, knowing that there are 928754209 more of us out there. And as for FCJ? Our saturdays at the teen house were limited to strictly the 2nd and 4th saturdays of the month. If we missed a week, we'd probably see one another 3 weeks from now. Operation BringOldMembersBack hit me hard though. Weeks of preparing... personally going to every member, retreat participant, acquaintance ... posting bulletins every so often... and it was only the same old same old. My first reaction these past couple of months was to ignore it and eventually not care anymore. I entertained thoughts of giving up.

But this time it's different. People all around me are changing, trying to better themselves. Some are turning their life completely around & it's God who's changing their hearts. And now He's changing mine. I'm ready, once again. To take up arms and re-enter this never ending battle. God FTW!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


where have you gone? =/

Thursday, June 4, 2009

We are broken - Paramore

I am outside
And I've been waiting for the sun
With my wide eyes, I've seen worlds that don't belong
My mouth is dry, with words I cannot verbalize
Tell me why we live like this

Keep me safe inside
Your arms like towers tower over me

Cause we are broken
What must we do to restore our innocence
And all the promise we adored?
Give us life again, cause we just wanna be whole

Lock the doors
Cause I'd like to capture this voice that came to me tonight
So everyone will have a choice
And under red lights, I'll show myself it wasn't forged
We're at war
We live like this

Keep me safe inside
Your arms like towers tower over me

Cause we are broken
What must we do to restore our innocence
And all the promise we adored?
Give us life again, cause we just wanna be whole

Tower over me
Tower over me
And I'll take the truth at any cost

Cause we are broken
What must we do to restore our innocence
And all the promise we adored?
Give us life again, cause we just wanna be whole

Song of the week. For quite some time, I've lived by these words from a song: "Do not allow your minds to be conformedto this age" I feel like I'm slowly changing... and I know people are susceptible to change. I just pray I'm going in the right direction. I guess what I'm really feeling is fear. Heckk yeah, I'm excited for senior year next year. But the older we get, the less innocent we seem to be. We try to be grown-up, doing our "grown-up" things, and most of us sacrifice innocence along the way. I dunno. Where the hay is our generation going? ahah.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


What a day.

I spent a few minutes in the adoration chapel cause I had to line up soon. I even squeezed in a confession. Yay me!

Something amazing started as soon as I entered that church. The smell of incense that filled the air made my heart pound. During the homily Bishop Sartoris talked about being a hero. Selflessness. I guess that's the word that sums it up. Someone who is willing to sacrifice time, reputation for someone else. I have no clue why, but I started tearing up. Anywho, I got confirmed and people thought I was sweating because of the chrism. ahah!

I was trippin' though. Before I got confirmed... I thought "Me?! I'm getting confirmed? I'm receiving God's endless graces?" It was overwhelming... for someone like me to have something so great available to me. I'm just blessed to know God at my age. I've tried imagining my life without God right now. If I was forced to go to confirmation, to reject whatever God had to offer. lk;ndfl;a I shudder at the thought x_X

After I got confirmed, several people went to my house. We played some rock band, and watched my brother go crazyyy! But the most exciting part was our little worship jam session! Gian played guitar, Oliver played the cajon & piano. And the rest of us were singing. It was beautiful. ahah Despite my cracking voice, & Kellie's sickness [?] I felt it was very Spirit-led. He was moving. In our hearts, our lungs, our voices, our fingertips. God is moving.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


by Maya Angelou

When I say... "I am a Christian," I'm not shouting, "I'm clean livin'!'"
I'm whispering, "I was lost, now I'm found and forgiven."

When I say... "I am a Christian," I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble, and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... "I am a Christian," I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak, and need His strength to carry on.

When I say... "I am a Christian," I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed, and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... "I am a Christian," I'm not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.

When I say... "I am a Christian," I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say... "I am a Christian," I'm not holier than thou.
I'm just a simple sinner, who received God's good grace, somehow!~

We have our share of fears, struggles, weaknesses. What makes us different is how we choose to live our lives. I live my life to follow Christ. How about you?

Anywhoo, someone once told me that "Christians just hide behind their religion and can't face reality on their own" I depend on God and I lift my problems up to Him; you can say that I hide behind Him. But that's because I don't like uncertainty. I don't like wondering about how I'm going to get past a situation alone.

But define REALITY. define REAL. I noticed that after retreats, we always say "once you get out into the real world..." (I know I've said it as well, and I just need to find the right word to replace it. =/) But there's uncertainty about God's existence in that statement. As if God is some fairytale. But hes as real as salty tears and childish laughter. Corny much? If anything, those who aren't living with God aren't living in reality. And how do I face this so-called "reality?" I deal with insults. I've suffered losses. I deal with the rest of society's opposing views. I still try my best to serve God one person at a time. You know, spare change for the homeless guy near Marketplace? Am I not facing reality because I pray? Don't mistake my hope for disillusion.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Someone once said:

It's not hard to be bad,it's easy to be good, but it's difficult to be holy.

... or something along that line.. xD
Kuya Pat told me this during a difficult time of my life. Pwahha.

So think about it. I, along with the rest of the teenage population, struggle with pressure. EVERYWHERE. AC, Elton, and I were talking about 8th grade and we came across drugs, alcohol, etc. And why almost everyone in the old group tried it. Stress and emoness were the biggies. Everyone's different right? So some may take a situation as no big deal, others will stress about it. And i told AC, it doesnt matter what kind of situation you've been under, there are some times in our lives that push us to our breaking point. We get over it, and we hit another breaking point. It's just a matter of how we deal. And so, it's not hard to be bad. How would you deal? Drugs? It's easy to be good. Forget about it, or respond in not a bad way, but not a great way? But it's difficult to be holy. Would you pray, seek God in your struggles?

Agree? Disagree? Commment, or Holla. :P
Peace easy, keep it cheezy.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The beauty of...


holy moly. during bible study (Luke 24:36-49), we had a discussion about repentance and the Eucharist. HOLLA! Well first a few things that make confession great:

1. Teaches you HUMILITY.
2. Reveals sins that are IN THE DARK.
3. Enables you to receive COMMUNION.

MMM.. we talked about how communion with Christ aka receiving the Eucharist inspires you to go out to serve or spread the Word with the rest of His family. Arizona, anyone?

Oh and i asked Matthew & Scarlet to help me out with the club? Go back to Life Teen or what?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The only thing i did on spring break

Yesterday was pretty darn awesome. I woke up early with my family to go eat out, but we were HELLA indesicive. We went to La Crescenta for thai but it opened at 11am & my dad had to go to work at 12 pm. So we drove by side street, wondering where we would go. My mom brought up Great Khan's. Ever since I showed them how much i could stack for $7.56, they were thinking about going back more often. xD But I told them CHINA TOWN, cause my dad woke me up FOR some tendon noodle soup! We went, we ate, we left.

Next thing you know, Vince & I were at the meeting. We had worship and boy, has it felt like a while. And I didn't think many people would show up cause everyone was informed last minute (the night before, i think). Anywhooo, Jimbo had an activity/talk for us about honoring one another. and we had pieces of paper on our backs so we could honor one another. At the end we would read two or three. Luigi was first. i wrote usher & vince wrote beyonce T_T . ROFL. Oh and when Vince read one of his, James wrote "good at provoking anger" And people thought it was me cause i'm the sister, but it was hilariousss. For James ahahahah! People wrote stuff like "you could beat me up" or something (people thought that was ME again!) and i wrote "thanks for not knifing me yet" Hmm.. i'm only writing the things i remember right now. For Macoi's i wrote something like "you have a lot to say for someone so young and you're never boring" and i wrote that cause on our ride home from LCS, i would imagine him to isolate himself cause he's one of the youngest in the group. So i honored him for being really involved with everyone. Oh! and Jack was honored for his organization and what he's done for us for all the retreats. He's really behind the scene, but he plays an important role in our youth group. Danny wrote "bro" on a lot of people xD and Gian complained cause he thought what they had (a bromance) was special x_X . Anywhoo! it was muy entertaining. and we learned a pretty good lesson about honoring one another because it's something Christ wants us to do. An i think it was to help us see how special each person is in God's eyes. And to me, it helps me see Christ in others better (:

Some of the things people wrote for me:
  • Passion lover - Gabe lover
  • Hella good singer
  • the good crazy
  • awesome
  • very weird and cool
  • one of the few girls who actually watch good anime
We went to confession & Fr. Venegas was so patient with us. We fellowshipped. We went to L&L and i bought musubis for vince and myself. But James wanted to treat everyone. HOLY MOLY! O_o We then went around Americana to help James look for jeans. and then he treated us to RITE AID ICE CREAM. i dunno about everyone else, but i felt special. Oh and then we went to the Galleria; we didn't get far, because James stopped into the "games workshop" store. and at first i was like "you serious? thats where my kuya goes" to myself. pwahah. but it was actually entertaining. JD started us on a game Humans vs. Warorcs or something like that. It was... Danny's team (James, Luigi, Jack, and myself) vs.Gian's team (Vince, Juls, and Erick) . Of course, the humans won. But i had the worst rolls and Gian was destroying my army D: But good conquers evil. pwahhaha. And i know that it sounds strange, but i wouldnt mind playing again with them if JD was narrating. He was all over the place even though there were times Vince was interrrupting. ROFL. PROVOKING ANGERRRR.

Sooner or later, everyone had to go. Me, Vince, and Gian rode with James, but we waited for Erick's ride. When we got to my house, Gian and James stayed at my house for a bit. Kuya set up Rock Band and the four of us played untill... 11:30 or so. James and Gian wanted to play "that's what you get" on the REAL guitar, so they played it while i sang until they had to go at 12. muy bien!

Highlight of my Spring Break.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spread the word like PB&J

MUY IMPORTANTE, FCJC is the place to be!

FCJC Youth is having THREE mission trips this SUMMER.

TWO WEEKS of building up and training in:


Its gonna be the most CRACKIN, FOOD-FILLED, SPIRIT-FILLED two weeks of your summer!

Hit your COORDINATORS up for more info.

spread the word. re-post this baby!

oh and please keep us in your prayers :)

God Bless.

(reply, then copy if you want the codes and everything)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Take one look at me, and you may find me ordinary. You'll find me at school doing the same old things: getting stupid with friends, migrate from one spot to another (cause when we laugh, we travel), and talk about nonsense. But I know I'm different. I knew I was different since I've waged war on the rest of the world. I am Christian. And without Christ, I Am Nothing.

coun⋅ter⋅cul⋅ture [koun-ter-kuhl-cher]

the culture and lifestyle of those people, esp. among the young, who reject or oppose the dominant values and behavior of society.

That's it for now.